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$75,000 – Slippery platform at carnival
Carnival patron slipped on wet carnival ride platform and broke her leg.
$75,000 – Airplane luggage compartment
Lap top computer fell from defective overhead luggage compartment and hit passenger in head.
$75,000 – Furniture store injury
Customer in furniture store injured when recliner fell apart.
$71,000 – Hunting accident
Hunter mistaken for a deer was shot by another hunter.
$60,000 – Airplane injury
Passenger injured while using emergency chute
$60,000 – Age Discrimination
A 59 year old woman was terminated based on her age. The employer said the termination was based on poor performance reviews.
$55,000 – Injury due to shopping cart
Customer at home supply store was knocked to ground by improperly loaded shopping cart.
$50,000 – $50,000
Settlement for man who ate contaminated seafood at restaurant. Referred by a solo practitioner in Hopewell, Virginia.
$50,000 – Contaminated Food
Customer contracted cholera From eating contaminated seafood.
$50,000 – Circuit Court of the County of Henrico
Client stopped in traffic sustains cervical strain. Referred by law firm in Richmond, Virginia who specializes in family law.